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Athlete Safety

SafeSport Information

U.S. Center for SafeSport | Please visit the SafeSport website to learn more regarding our NGB's SafeSport Policy and Services.

The Center accepts all reports of sexual abuse and child abuse within the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Movement. You can report a Safe Sport concern or emotional misconduct, physical misconduct or violations of the MAAPP directly to USA GOLF by email to AndyLevinson@pgatourhq.com

You may report anonymously if you so choose. To report a SafeSport concern you can a click here Report a SafeSport Concern or call: 833-5US-SAFE (587-7233) if you have reasonable suspicion of sexual misconduct or harassment, child abuse (including child sexual abuse), or intimate relationships involving an imbalance of power. 

The Center also accepts reports of emotional and physical misconduct (including but not limited to bullying, hazing, stalking, and harassment) within the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Movement. Reports of emotional and physical misconduct can also be reported directly to your sport’s national governing body (NGB.)

For a list of SafeSport trainings and requirements please click here: Training for NGB Members.

Visit the SafeSport Code website, as the SafeSport Code establishes consistent standards of response and resolution to abuse and misconduct claims across the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Movement, whose affiliated individuals must comply with policies and procedures as defined by the Code. 

U.S. Center for SafeSport Centralized Disciplinary Database, a resource designed to keep the public informed when individuals connected with the U.S. Olympic & Paralympic Movements are either subject to certain temporary restrictions pending investigation by the Center or are subject to certain sanctions after an investigation found them in violation of the SafeSport Code.

The MAAPP is a collection of proactive prevention and training policies for the U.S. Olympic & Paralympic Movement. It has three primary components: an Education and Training Policy, Required Prevention Policies, and Recommended Prevention Policies. The Center developed the MAAPP to assist National Governing Bodies, Paralympic Sport Organizations, Local Affiliated Organizations, the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee, and other individuals to whom these policies apply in meeting their obligations under federal law.

You can also download this USA GOLF SafeSport policy for 2024.

To visit the US Center for SafeSport please click here: https://uscenterforsafesport.org/